Coming back from the gas station after work, I saw some people launching some small fireworks down on the shore of the river, so I busted out the camera. Of course, as it wont to happen with me, I’m unable to provide any verifiable evidence that I did, in fact, see fireworks, a disbelief I’ve been cursed with by a good friend(and former roommate). However, it wasn’t a total loss as I got some shots that I liked (as always, clickthrough on each for full sizes on Flickr, assuming you’ve done the smart thing and signed up for a free/pro account on the site, which you should):
On the bridge, looking down the river, completely zoomed out:
And zoomed in on a lone highrise on the horizon and the Ford Parkway Bridge, which reflects off the river in spectacular fashion:
Then a little experimentation, a 15s exposure with the camera sitting over Mississppi River Blvd on the near end of the bridge, this is the jpg the camera created alongside the RAW:
And this is what I ended up with after a little bit of processing:
It also captures some flecks of a dying firework, but hardly enough to count. Sigh.