Reading the feeds this afternoon I came across a link on Fark noting that we've reached the 10 year anniversary of Columbine, and it struck me that that was quite a month. And so, I present an inane little recollection of the things that have stuck ...
Unfortunately I missed out ...
New Year's Eve: 'Worked', moved desk/computer into ex-roommate's old room(yay ethernet, no more wireless!) New Year's Day: 'Worked', post-work still undecided, possibly more furniture shifting. To make up for these dull days, some of my favorites snaps from the past week and a half or so: ...
This unexpectedly lovely view showed itself as I was leaving work tonight, ...
Yep, that's me, absolutely terrible at blogging. So what's going on for me? New apartment's working out alright, no problems with the roommate, though I think I've seen her cat more than I've seen her. I've even started taking random pictures of the cat :| Room's a bit ...
It pours. So the start of the week I'm waiting for a Wednesday interview at Wells Fargo, do or die for finding a job so I can stay in Minneapolis(see below). Interview comes, the guys interviewing me immediately remember me from when I interviewed with them in 2005, speeding up ...
So after walking out to Big Brain to pick up comics today(as it isn't worth the light rail fair to pick up 2 comics), I finally decided to head for the Stone Arch bridge and take a look at the I35 bridge remains. Unfortunately the view (now anyhow) isn't ...
I've been going a little crazy with my camera this week, as usual they're mostly skyline shots, but here's some of my favorites: