So I'm sure you've all heard about the local excitement by now, all 2 of you. Clearly I'm still up and about, just slow as always with this stuff. Not that my route ever takes me across 35, but I was still at work at the time ...
Coworkers are such fun, they give me opportunity for conversations such as this: Them: My mouse stopped moving (and fiddles with the connection) Me: Try pressing the Windows Key (to see if Windows responds, natch) Them: I don't see it. Oh there it is, but how am I supposed to press it when ...
Okay, so I'm working on some summary writeups for some of the shows I'm watching in preparation for doling out ongoing information about them. I even had a couple written up before leaving work yesterday that just needed some pretty screenshots to go with them. Unfortunately my computer ...
Man, already this week I've gotten a couple of potential bits for the delightful(and somewhat shameful) Overheard in Minneapolis site, except that I blew both opportiunities. Moment the first - Thanks to yesterday's monster downpour, I opted for pizza at lunch and while sitting there enjoying my meal, I eavesdropped ...
Alright. Let's do this. Full recap will come later, but a quick rundown on actual events to catch up on things goes as follows: Still living(and enjoying) life in downtown Minneapolis. Still spending most of my free time indoors trying to follow too many interests. Have been ...
Bet you didn't know kittens were f'ing metal did you?
Oops, got a little wrapped up in the cleaning this afternoon. Throw in a call home for Father's Day, watching the latest Seirei no Moribito and Gurren Lagann episodes while waiting for the dishwasher to run its course. Then the Robot Chicken Star Wars Special on adultswim tonight ...
Alright. I've spent most of the day working on this here new layout after going nearly a whole year without an entry. In process I've moved from MovableType to Wordpress and can't be arsed to fiddle with converting my old entries to the new format. I've ...
Okay, so this cloud wasn't actually towering into the sky like that, just flowing across it lazily, but I think it turned out really sweet anyhow. It was also really freaking hot that day, like it has been for the last week or so.