While gaming and comics dominated the last three months for me, I've still managed to watch a fair bit. Anime: A slower season for me, again because it was dominated by gaming: - Basquash and NEEDLESS came to their own respectively crazy conclusions, though I wish they'd each gotten ...
Wow, what a difference a switch in mediums can make, and not for the better- at least so far. While the important personality bits are there(with some tweaking), the characters, and more specifically the girls, all seem to have gotten a few years younger, and someone also decided that ...
Oh thank goodness, they're fixing Episode 7 for the DVD:

Okay, that wasn't what I was expecting it to be. For some reason I thought this was a somewhat longer piece proffered as an alternate ending to the series, rather than the mid-series side story episode that it actually looks to be. Which thoroughly confused me, as its been so ...
And there's the season done. A bit surprised that it only took the first two episodes on the disc to finish up the sudden plot, but I guess I should have seen that the actual series was only 24 episodes and the last two were DVD-only specials. Perfectly ...
Augh! Super goofy relationship-advancing horny-potioned Belldandy episode, goofy-but-sweet relationship-advancing gender-switched Keiichi episode, melancholy Urd super-character-development episode, OMG-RETARDEDLY-PLOY-HEAVY-EPISODE. While Marller's been there on and off this season, and has really brought the only bit resembling an ongoing plot to the mix, there ...
Hrm, there's the robot, Banpei, guess I did catch up to where I'd read with the last disc. We have a rather meandering set of episodes here, mostly wandering around, but providing some secondary character development and, notably in the last episode on the disc, moving ...
And yet more A!MG this afternoon as I transition over to shorter 4-episode discs, which means easier to squeeze in, which means easier to keep up with this, woo. Serving mainly to bring our two other primary characters, the demon Mara/Marller and Belldandy's little ...
Oops, fell asleep watching this one last night :\ Managed to finish it up this morning before work though, close enough! Seems its gotten its hooks into me after all, and I won't just be popping it in occasionally. Probably for the best, really, would hate to ...
Hrm, well, that meandered a bit for the first third or so in presenting us with some back story on our lead. Sure, it helped flesh things out and clarified other parts as well, but in doing so it brought the extra-insane action of the first disc to a ...