Oops, fell asleep watching this one last night :\ Managed to finish it up this morning before work though, close enough! Seems its gotten its hooks into me after all, and I won't just be popping it in occasionally. Probably for the best, really, would hate to ...
Never expected to receive this for a Christmas present, but I did, so there you go. I do love Carlin's stuff, and I've only ever listened to bits of this one, so it was quite a nice treat to watch him give the full thing. Recorded less than ...
Hrm, well, that meandered a bit for the first third or so in presenting us with some back story on our lead. Sure, it helped flesh things out and clarified other parts as well, but in doing so it brought the extra-insane action of the first disc to a ...
Heh, figures I'd break the streak in the first week. Ah well, that just gives me opportunity to tackle a 2-parter in one shot, so in goes Karas, a 40th anniversary OVA production by Tatsunoko that popped up a couple years ago whose box art looked somewhat ...
Who doesn't know the story of Ah! My Goddess? Boy has tough life. Boy accidentally dials Goddess Help Line. Boy turns Goddess into eternal companion. Hijinks ensue. One of the classics. Unlike the OVA (which barrels through the initial portion of the plot) and the movie ...
Let's see... a D&D-style fantasy with a questionable plot, short runtime, loads of violent women wearing a minimum of clothing, the oh-ho-ho-ho laugh, nonstop 'funny' moments (with full gag soundboard), a random musical number, almost zero character development, and the occasional set of tits. Yup, this is a 90s ...
Wow, okay, consider my complaint about downplaying the story that was building rescinded, the second half of the season absolutely delivers on that front, especially the last installment. The third faction gains power, Nathan starts dating again, life shits all over Toki (though it provides him with ...
Right, so, Metalocalypse. Season 2 got underway while I wasn't paying attention, so I held off on the DVDs, then they just sat on the shelf. I did catch a few episodes as they aired, but I never got around to watching them (along with a lot ...