Forbidden Island:

home of the demon god

Out on a secret and secluded island on the Holy River of God(which separates the Bugrom from the rest of El-Hazard), Ifurita rests in a sort of hibernation. The only ones that know of the island's location, the only ones for centuries, are the great priestesses of Mt. Muldoon. The secret of the location is so closely guarded because of the fear of what would happen if Ifurita was ever loosed upon the land again.

Upon the island rests Ifurita's Tomb, a maze of passages carrying deep into the island helping to hide Ifurita's location within. When our characters come to the island, they find the ancient tombs weakened with the passage of time. When Makoto finally finds her, she is resting within a masoleum, receded into the floor with her power key staff floating above an energy field above her.
