Holy Srpings of Arliman:

Alielle relaxes with Shayla and Afura at the Holy Springs of Arliman

The Holy Springs are the site of an annual spiritual retreat for priestesses of El-Hazard(though the casual observer might think they were just there for a relaxing vacation at the hot springs). It also has a thriving market during this retreat and offers many things to those passing through(and at quite a bargain, according to Shayla and Afura). While outsiders aren't sure of the actual rituals being preformed, the priestesses attending them hold the retreat in the highest regard.

Of course, not just anyone can get to the Holy Springs. They are found across the Desert of Bleached White Bones, a treacherous land where shady persons will accept fares to carry peope across the desert and stop halfway through, demanding additional payment or dropping off the passengers in the middle of the desert if they can't pay up. And even if you managed to start approaching the Springs, they stop at columns that are still a good distance from the springs, and refuse to go any further for fear of their lives.
