Warren Ellis has started a thread on Whitechapel for webcomics creators to pimp their work, tons of stuff to check out, a few highlights:

Wide Awake: Wherein a woman deals with the Cthuluish monsters that stalk her dreams, occasionally following her into reality and keeping her from her coffee. Looking fantastic, and being done by some comics pros: co-written by Eric Trautmann (Checkmate, Perfect Dark Zero, Final Crisis: Resist) and Brandon Jerwa (Battlestar Galactica, Highlander, G.I. Joe), with art by Mirco Pierfederici (Doctor Who, Star Trek Alien Spotlight). This is just getting running, so its the perfect time to get started, and it looks to follow the Freakangels format of 6 pages a week every Friday. The initial Week 0 teaser is bringing Joshua Ortega and Francis Manapul’s recentish comic The Necromancer to mind, which is not a bad thing.

Monster Commute: Okay, so I’ve already known about this one and have been reading it regularly, but it is great fun and this gives me an excuse to link to it. I love it and I don’t even drive! Brought to you by Daniel m. Davis and his Steam Crow Press label.

Clandestino: This gypsy revenge tale is currently competing in Zuda’s online competition, a friggin’ gorgeous tease from Amancay N. Nahuelpan B. I seriously hope this one gets picked up, but I’ve consciously stayed away from the whole Zuda thing so I have no idea what happens if it stays in its current #4 spot.

Shaobaibai: Another fairly new comic, nicely stylized in a way that brings Samurai Jack to mind, but with a lovely warrior maiden who seems to have done something bad and is now stuck on the borders of Hell because its gatekeeper won’t let her in(?). From French creator Fred Boot, but kindly translated to English for those of us who never really learned anything in 3 years of French classes…

Surviving The World: This one’s a bit different, amuses like indexed, but in a slightly different fashion, quite good.

The System: Just enough time to take a peek at this one, but the strips I’ve looked at certainly amuse. Will have to crawl through this some more when I get a chance.
And its waaaay too late, wrapping this up for now, possibly doing another look at the thread, again, lots of good looking stuff to be had. Go. Discover.