Limited Editions

Every so often a special collection of Shirow goodness shows up, but sees a very limited print run. I know of at least one other collection, related to Dominion, but I can't recall the exact title and only saw it as an auction on ebay. Given their rarity, these are all highly sought after, and they tend to be worth finding. Unfortunately I don't have the Cybergirls or Cyberworld portfolios, which would be great to have, and while I do have the Cyberdelics and Solid Boxes, I don't have any really good images to share of them at this time, so you'll have to settle for just reading about them.

» Cyberdelics Collection - The Ghost in the Shell Super Graphic Collection
» Cybergirls Portfolio
» Cyberworld Portfolio
» Ghost in the Shell Solid Box Set
» Togihime