100 Papers, Hurrah, Hurrah!

Well, here we are, 100 wallpapers on the site(along with almost 300 avatars and a winamp skin), and more being cooked up all the time. Kinda sappy to celebrate this, I know, but it's still a fairly good accomplishment. Granted, the bulk of the content on the site right now is Mario's, I still do my fair share. I also like to think I put in a little more time and effort into my papers, quality over quantity and whatnot. Don't look at me like that Mario, we both know you're putting in at least as much work as me, and probably moreso, so it's not like you're sluffing off or anything. Anyhow, we hope you enjoy these two wallpapers, and keep coming back to see what else we come up with, thanks for being there. - Phil

Peorth 2 - Phil - 6/08/03

My submission for the site's 100th paper, and with quite an undertaking behind it. Utilizing scans from the Anime Project Alliance Gallery, this paper was done at the highest resolution I've worked at yet - 3200x2400. This made for a rather large-scale touch up job for me, particularly as most of the main image doesn't exist left of the thorns. Given that more than a month has passed since my primary work on the paper, I don't recall the specifics of the filtering and blending process that led to this final product, but I do recall the closeups being a later addition that I was rather pleased with. Lastly, this is also the first paper I've made for the 1152x864 resolution, and if you'd like one higher than 1600x1200, e-mail me and I'll see what I can do about customizing it for you.

Demon Eyes Kyo - Mario - 6/26/03

I've wanted to make this wallpaper for as long as I can remember (not really...more like about a year but whatever) but it's not easy finding images this good, but I finally did. Anyways not too much technical things going on here but the background was made on a complete fluke...just random effects of random filters on random other flters previously added to layers, but it's neat. Not much to say other than this is my submission to the site for the 100th wallpaper, so happy 100 everyone!!