Miscellaneous Wallpapers

This is where we put any wallpapers that don't fit into any particular series, hence being the miscellaneous section. I have a few more I'd be putting in here, except that they're based off of art by a few different Japanese artists that I can't talk with about using due to the language barrier ^^; Maybe I'll eventually put some of them up on a limited basis, but for now, just stuff that's not gonna get me yelled at in another language - Phil

Hehehehe...Random stuffs!! Random I find is often the best way to go. Anyways, this is probably gonna be where a whole lot of my stuff will be ^_^;; Maybe even a few sketches if you guys are really lucky. - Mario

Gone Fishin' - Mario - 09/14/04

My "On Vacation" Wallpaper. haven't had a real vacation to use it for, but I will eventually. Anyways it's just a weirded out picture of a Master Chief toy I got a while back. Here's the whole story: About a year ago, I took a roll of masking tape and wound it into a tight little roll thingy with the sticky side out. So upon completion of that I threw it at one of our walls and it stuck there (also hasn't moved since it got there....At all.) So when I got the little Master Chiefs (I got 10 at once and one big Cobalt one) and so Pip and I were watching a movie one night when I grabbed a MC and sat him on the tape...and he stayed there, but he was kinda bland so pip suggested a fishing pole and being that we didn't have one that small, I made one (It's a Q-tip with the cotton ripped off and a long twist tie) and hence it was born..and it's still sitting there to this day. Enjoy.

Panther - Mario - 07/22/04

So it's an OS-tan from me. I made it and dedicated it to my new super awesome ultra-sexy Powerbook G4 that Apple graciously sold to me for...well, too much money for me to be throwing around. Yeah, Likes me the OS X. It's fantastic and this is the bestest computer I have ever gotten to have my way with. Phil's jealous! Yeah, take it or leave it.

The OS-Tan website, for the confused and uninitiated. - Phil

Sofa King - Mario - 06/04/04

Bwa-hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Capes - Mario - 03/17/04

GREAT 3 issue comic series. I like awkward superhero things sometimes, you know getting away from the Hero + Fighting Villian = teh win. Capes and Wanted are my top two for that situation and Wanted is serious and badass and Capes is hilarious and funktastic...or some other word that's real or whatever.

Wanted - Mario - 02/23/04

This one's just of the cover I got (there were 3 different versions on the first printing of issue #1) and also most of the panels from the first three pages of the book. Just trying to show off the awesome artwork all while illustrating how shitty Wesley's life really is. Didn't do a whole lot here as far as creative things go. Cut out the images (mainly with a marwquee selector) and put the borders on the panels. That's really about it. I love Wanted.

Bring Out The Big Guns - Phil - 5/02/03

Based off of one of the numerous pieces of art I've come across through Tinami, this pic is a good example of a cg style I really like, and one I've wanted to use for a while now. I just wish I could remember what site it was from specifically... Anyhow, Babelfish says the script means the same as the title, and due to the way I first saved it, no 1280x1024 version.

Evil And Malice - Mario - 8/04/02

OMG OMG OMG!!! this is the GREATEST comic book thingy EVER!!! It's so freaking brilliant!! At any rate, I like the pic off the second issue cover (Especially Evie there...just wicked lookin' ain't she?) So I decided to make this. Thanks for the comics Jay!!

JtHM - Mario - 7/02/02

Girl: Look mommy, a homicidal maniac. Can I keep him?
Mother: No dear, a homicidal maniac is much too big of a responsibility for a little girl like yourself, but let's go get ice cream!
Girl: Yay!!

Errrr...sorry, that's what I think when I look at that one. Anyways, it's Johnny the Homicidal Maniac from the comics of the same name, created by The Brilliance that brought us all Invader Zim, Mr. Vasquez.

Purple Lightning - Mario - 6/14/02

Eh heh heh....I made this one in about 10 min, just because someone thought I couldn't do it. It's still from grandia 2 and thus I still like it, though I’d never use it on my own comp.

Assassin - Phil - 3/26/02

One of those papers I made off of Japanese fanart, this is really a fanart of the Diablo II's Assassin class, and an image I thought was rather cute. Not much else to say about it here.

Temple of Nature - Phil - 6/11/01

I pulled this one together off an urge I had to make a wallpaper out of the original piece, the quote/verse comes from my ancient massive quotes book of doom, specifically from Temple of Nature by David Vedder.